Now that the government has taken over the internet in order to treat it like a water company, we find within the 400 pages of regulations some gems such as this:
Low-income consumers may be set to have essentially free, taxpayer-subsidized Internet service, similar to the notorious Obamaphone, following the federal government’s takeover of the web.
All three democrat members of the Federal Communications Commission have openly announced intentions to provide broadband Internet subsidies for the poor through the government’s Lifeline Assistance Program, started under President Ronald Reagan more than 30 years ago.Lifeline, originally intended to help the poor attain landline phones, eventually morphed with the times to provide prepaid wireless service (Obamaphones) and now seems destined for Internet reform.
“I have… been vocal about my call to modernize the Lifeline program, which has been stuck in an MC Hammer, parachute-pants time warp since 1985,” FCC Commissioner Mignon Clyburn argued in the FCC’s 400-page order.
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