One wonders how deep a hole the United States and the EU are going to
dig for themselves in Ukraine. It was, of course, U.S. and EU leaders —
and their media acolytes — who caused the problem we face today by
intervening on behalf of self-styled “democrats” in Kiev who without
foreign intervention could not have overthrown the Ukrainian president.
It is getting to be that any half-baked gaggle of protestors at any
location on the planet need only to chant the word “democracy” and the
West will come running to their aid with diplomatic assistance, money,
and a fierce disregard for either the target nation’s sovereignty or
regional stability. Indeed, it may well be that the whole Ukraine
protest movement was primed for action by funds, advisers, and computer
systems paid for by Hillary Clinton’s State Department in a program
similar to those she ran in several Arab countries.
The difference in the Ukraine intervention from others the West has conducted is that the terminally adolescent political leaders who run the West have run smack dab into a decisive, realistic, and nationalistic adult, in the person of Vladimir Putin, and they do not know what to do. They are learning that the Ukraine is not Libya or Egypt in that Putin will not to let the West make of Ukraine — or at least of Crimea — the same unholy mess its earlier unwarranted interventions made of Egypt and Libya. Putin has a very clear view of Russia’s genuine national interests, and reliable access to the Crimean base of the Black Sea fleet is one of them, it has been for centuries, and it will remain so in the future.
Read more: here
The difference in the Ukraine intervention from others the West has conducted is that the terminally adolescent political leaders who run the West have run smack dab into a decisive, realistic, and nationalistic adult, in the person of Vladimir Putin, and they do not know what to do. They are learning that the Ukraine is not Libya or Egypt in that Putin will not to let the West make of Ukraine — or at least of Crimea — the same unholy mess its earlier unwarranted interventions made of Egypt and Libya. Putin has a very clear view of Russia’s genuine national interests, and reliable access to the Crimean base of the Black Sea fleet is one of them, it has been for centuries, and it will remain so in the future.
Read more: here
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