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Showing posts from October, 2013

Census Bureau: Means-Tested Gov't Benefit Recipients Outnumber Full-Time Year-Round Workers

( - Americans who were recipients of means-tested government benefits in 2011 outnumbered year-round full-time workers, according to data released this month by the Census Bureau. They also out-numbered the total population of the Philippines. There were 108,592,000 people in the United States in the fourth quarter of 2011 who were recipients of one or more means-tested government benefit programs, the Census Bureau said in data released this week. Meanwhile, according to the Census Bureau, there were 101,716,000 people who worked full-time year round in 2011. That included both private-sector and government workers. See more at: cnsnews

Alabama Homeschooling Family Sends Six of Ten Children to College By Age Twelve

MONTGOMERY – A homeschooling family from Montgomery, Alabama is wowing many across the nation as six of their ten children have enrolled in college by the age of twelve, and the four remaining hope to do the same. Kip and Mona Lisa Harding state that they are simply raising the “average family,” but credit their children’s success to homeschooling and encouraging their children to pursue their passions at a young age. “We just felt like it was our responsibility,” mother Mona Lisa told reporters about the decision to homeschool. “That’s a big choice, and [we] wanted to be totally in control and make sure they had the right upbringing, and they accelerated because of it.” Read more: here

Peter Schiff on Yellen and more

Complain about TSA get arrested.

Government Shutdown Not Slowing Down Warmongers

The government shutdown isn’t slowing down the warmongers.  For example: The CIA is ramping up covert training program for Syrian rebels President Obama has waived a ban on aiding regimes that use child soldiers The Department of Defense awarded 94 new contracts  worth a combined total of more than $5 billion dollars the day right before the government shutdown DoD will continue to award contracts during the shutdown … but will stop publicly announcing them The giant $2 billion dollar NSA spying center in Utah is still opening (the NSA is part of the Department of Defense , which carries out assassination and cyber-warfare campaigns, as well as destroying the privacy of American citizens) As Ron Paul notes , military spending will increase 18% even after the sequestration “cuts”: Read more: here

Lack of Privacy Destroys the Economy

Edward Snowden said yesterday: The success of economies in developed nations relies increasingly on their creative output, and if that success is to continue we must remember that creativity is the product of curiosity, which in turn is the product of privacy . He’s right. Anonymity and privacy increase innovation. Anyone who has ever played a musical instrument knows that you need time to experiment and try new things in the privacy of your home – or your band’s garage – in order to improve. If every practice was at Carnegie Hall in front of a big crowd, you would be too self-conscious to experiment and try something new. Same with every other field. Think of an artist painting in the middle of a major museum. Or a beginning programmer (think of a young Bill Gates or Steve Jobs) whose code is being livecast all over the Internet. Or a brilliant inventor (such as a leaner Elon Musk) whose first rough sketch is being dissected in real time. Read more: here

‘Government Shut Down’ Won’t Actually Shut Down Government

It turns out that the ominous “government shut down” isn’t so apocalyptic after all since it won’t actually shut down government because the vast majority of federal services and activity will continue as normal. Image: Capitol Hill from the Washington Monument. In addition, the same thing has happened – without dire consequences – no less than 17 times over the past three decades. The dispute over Obamacare means it is  “99.9%”  certain that the US government will “shut down” on October 1st because lawmakers have failed to pass legislation that will authorize the government to spend money to fund its operations from the beginning of the new fiscal year. However, as the  Washington Post highlights , the same “shut down” has occurred 17 times since 1977. Most of the previous shut downs lasted from a few hours to a few days. The longest ran for 21 days from December ’96 to January ’97 during the presidency of Bill Clinton. Read more: here

Government "shutdown"

Of course the scumbags redirect their main pages to but of course subdomains are still up.  Purely a pathetic stunt as the parasitic class socializes our health care, begs for more money and the ability to borrow more money from the Chinese. I guess this site is essential?