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Showing posts from January, 2013

This Dog Can Send You to Jail

Robert J. Burns, a 55-year-old retired nurse who lives in St. Louis, was returning from a trip to the West Coast last October when his white Nissan pickup truck was pulled over on Interstate 40 near Amarillo. Burns was carrying a 12-foot aluminum fishing boat on top of the truck, and he had been struggling against high winds that kept pushing him toward the shoulder. The sheriff’s deputy who stopped him thought he might be drunk. “He asked me to step out and come back to his car,” Burns says, “and that’s when I noticed the dog in the back seat, a yellowish Lab. I explained that I hadn’t been drinking and my getting on the shoulder of the road was strictly from the wind. He said that he was going to write me a warning, and I said, ‘OK, that’s fine.’ He asked me if I had any drugs in the car. I said, ‘No, sir, I don’t do drugs, and I don’t associate with people who do.’ He asked me would I mind if he searched my vehicle, and I said, ‘Well, yes, I would mind if you searched my vehicle....

5 year old labeled terrorist for Hello Kitty bubble gun

Gun Control & 2nd Amendment

David Gay Speaks Nullification at Albany, NY Gun Rights Rally

Champion Shooter Educates the Public on Semi-Automatic Firearms

Poll: By Two-To-One, Americans Favor More Guns Over Ban To Reduce Crime

Nearly twice as many voters say there would be less violent crime if more law-abiding Americans owned guns, than if guns were banned.  In addition, while American voters generally favor strengthening gun laws, 71 percent do not think tougher laws can stop shootings like the one last month in Newtown, Connecticut.  Some 22 percent say new laws can prevent the next Sandy Hook. These are just some of the findings from a Fox News poll released Friday. Read more: here 

Judge Napolitano Reacts to NY Times Criticism

Why Are Germany Repatriating Their Gold?

This week few will have missed reports that Germany is getting closer to bringing its gold investment reserves home. Following questions asked in Parliament in 2012 regarding the 3,396 tonnes of gold bullion, the Bundesbank are set to announce tomorrow a new concept in how they store Germany’s gold reserves. Reported in an exclusive by German newspaper Handelsblatt, Buba intends to remove some of its gold held in New York, and all of the gold held by the Banque de France. Considering various representatives of the German central bank denied claims that they would be looking into repatriating the gold bullion investments , one has to wonder what’s made them take such a decision. When the repatriation issue raised its head late last year, the mainstre...

Obama turns doctors into gun control snitches running health care spy network

Mike Adams January 16, 2013 If you needed another reason to avoid visiting a doctor, Obama just gave you a new one: as part of Obama’s 23 executive orders announced today , doctors will be transformed into gun control snitches who are ordered by Obama to ask patients about guns they might have at home. Here’s the doublespeak from the executive order text: Doctors and other mental health professionals play an important role in protecting the safety of their patients and the broader community by reporting direct and credible threats of violence to the authorities. But there is public confusion about whether federal law prohibits such reports about threats of violence. The Department of Health and Human Services is issuing a letter to health care providers clarifying that no federal law prohibits these reports in any way. What this means is that doctor-patient confidentiality is now history. Even worse, doctors are being pressed to start interrogating p...

Obama's Blueprint to Destroy the 2nd Amendment Analyzed

Rand Paul on Gun Control Executive Order: Obama is Not 'King'

Gun control works

Judge Napolitano on NY Paper Outing Gun Owners