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Showing posts from December, 2011

Israeli spy chief downplays Iranian nuke threat

JERUSALEM — The head of Israel ’s intelligence agency says that a nuclear-armed Iran does not necessarily pose an existential threat to the Jewish state, according to Israeli ambassadors. Mossad chief Tamir Pardo addressed a conclave of Israeli ambassadors in Jerusalem on Thursday, saying that Israel ’s existence is not inevitably endangered by Iran acquiring an atomic weapon, even as Israel has tried to disrupt Iran ’s nuclear program. “What is the significance of the term ‘existential?’” Mr. Pardo was quoted as saying by several ambassadors. “If you said a nuclear bomb in Iranian hands was an ‘existential’ threat, that would mean that we would have to close up shop. That’s not the situation. The term is used too freely.” The intelligence chief did not comment on an Israeli attack on Iran ’s nuclear facilities, which the Islamic republic has said is engaged only in peaceful research. Read More: here

Is Ron Paul wrong on Israel, Netanyahu doesn't think so.

Lindy: "No Knock Raid"

Ron Paul & Joe Rogan on the Tonight Show w/ Jay Leno

Rally for Ron Paul outside the Tonight Show with Jay Leno, featuring the band Golden State

Judge Napolitano "What if..."


Proven False: Michele Bachmann says Iran has threatened to launch nuclear attack against Israel, United States

Responding to a hypothetical question about whether the United States should support an attack against Iran by Middle East-ally Israel, U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann noted that Iran already has announced plans to strike Israel. "They've stated, as recently as August just before President (Mahmoud) Ahmadinejad came ... to the U.N. General Assembly. He said that he wanted to eradicate Israel from the face of the Earth," Bachmann said during the Nov. 22, 2011, CNN debate. "He has said that if he has a nuclear weapon he will use it to wipe Israel off the face of the Earth. He will use it against the United States of America." The claim from Bachmann isn’t new -- she said something similar during an Iowa campaign event in October. But is it correct? Read more: Here

In the green room with Joe Rogan on the Tonight Show!/RonPaul/status/147854123990130688/photo/1

One Hundred Million Dollar Penny

The People Agree - Ron Paul 2012

Fervent followers lift Ron Paul to Pasco straw poll win

Slanted coverage on a recent event that I attended, but at least the win is being reported. - Silentboom DADE CITY -- Texas Congressman Ron Paul may be polling in the single digits nationally, but his Florida supporters were passionate enough to travel for hours to propel their candidate to a win in Pasco County's first-ever Republican Party straw poll. Paul's supporters drove from Orlando, Sarasota, even Miami, to the Pasco County Fairgrounds to cast a ballot for their candidate, virtually guaranteeing a win for Paul. With 171 votes, the Paul campaign more than tripled the showing for second-place candidate Newt Gingrich, who polled at 51. Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney was a distant third, with 30 votes. "This is what Ron Paul does all over the state," said Bill Bunting, Pasco's GOP state committeeman. "They're organized and passionate. We had people here from as far away as Volusia County. I think it's unethical, persona...

The Plan.

New Ron Paul Campaign Ad: BIG DOG